We are working very closely with Dr Gholson Lyon, our genetic research specialist, to facilitate his research into NAA10 and genetic mutations to it. The United States National Institute of Health have awarded a 5 year research fund of $1.25 million to Dr Lyon and his team to study the NAA10 gene and the effects of its mutations on patients.
New! View his presentation on the very latest research here:

Ogden Syndrome Research Presentation
Participate in Research
Many of our families across the world are already enrolled in this study and we are actively recruiting further NAA10 families to participate in the research with him. Due to Covid-19 this is currently taking place via Video conferencing.
Once this is safe to resume in person studies will take place with his team at their lab based in New York, USA. Travel and other expenses are covered to assist your participation.
If your child has a confirmed diagnosis and you would like to take part please get in touch.